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Total Pet Care & More LLC
Total Pet Care & More LLC
We Love Them While You Are
(832) 893-6285

Pet Sitting in your Home
Another option for providing care for your pet when you are away from home. Our excellent care allows you to focus on the events of your vacation, business travel, hospital trips or any time that you are away. Your pets remain in the comfort of their own home environment. At each visit, care and services are provided based on the checklist developed together. Playtime is included with each visit. Additional exercise can be scheduled as well.
"On Call" Pet Sitting
This option is available for those times when pet parents require immediate unplanned care for their pets such as unexpected overtime, last minute plans in the City, etc. This offering is available for established Total Pet Care families.
Pet Taxi for Doctor Appointments
We provide round-trip transportation for your pet's Doctor's Appointments. This offering is available for established Total Pet Care families.
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